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Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Letter to a DINO

I sent the following to Congressman Rick Boucher. Granted, then man has helped folks I know cut thru crap and get help when nothing else worked, but, my dad WORKED for a congressman. That's part of congressman's job. The rest is supporting the constitution and their party. One out of three is not a good thing in my mind.

Dear Congressman,

You recently asked me as a Democrat and a past supporter for money. I wrote back that between what the Republicans had done to the economy, and the fact that I was unsure given some of your recent stances that you were representing my interests and beliefs as a moderate to liberal Democrat, I could not give any money at this time.

Your vote to amend the Constitution in a manner to LIMIT rights of an entire demographic is truly the last straw. I will no longer support someone who calls himself a Democrat yet does nothing to help the discriminated against. I was raised by old time Great Society color-blind all people derve equal treatment and equal opportunity Democrats. I still believe in those ideals. I believe in equal treatment of religions-I'll happily perform a marrige for my gay friends. My religious affiliation permits this. But you would not recognize this legally. THIS IS WRONG!. Denying longterm partners the same rights you automatically give to heterosexuals that marry on a whim is wrong. Trying to negate legal marriges performed in other countries because you are pandering to fearful bigots is wrong.

In short, you sir, are a red state republican. It is time you started calling yourself one. A Democrat does not countenence bigotry and unequal treatment under the law. You have lost my vote, just as Hillary Clinton has no chance of my vote in 2008 after her cautions that we need to avoid inflaming the republican base.

You are going to send me a nice position statement telling me you support tradional marrige. Oh yay. Guess what? I support it too, the whole 'till death do us part" and "in sickness" stuff- the stuff most heterosexuals seem to ignore as they merrily practice serial monogamy.

In just this surrounding area, I personally know at least five families with children headed by two mothers. What are you doing to protect their rights and their children's rights? Does it matter at all that pushing their families further outside the law by writing discrimination into the US Constitution makes things like wills and custody issues even more difficult than they are already? What harm does a loving, stable and supportive family that just happens to be headed by two members of the same sex do to anyone else's family? By legalizing gay relationships-by any name- you suddenly have children with officially one parent who now has two-this would save on social service benefits being paid to these 'single parent" families that in practice and reality have two parents. It enriches society to have happy, healthy kids in stable two parent households. You encourage stable households by giving benefits like those conveyed by marrige. It enriches the lives of all to find love and happiness. What sex your true love is really is beside the point in this day and age. Unless you want to ban heterosexual couples who are sterile from the benefits of marrige, then this whole amendment is simply trying to make our gays and lesbians into 2/3 a person. That got thrown out as applied to the negro. I hope to God Almighty that He opens the eyes of those the false prophets have conned, and this discriminatory political distraction dies a quiet death, and fairness and God's love becomes once again the rule in this country.


At 8/06/2006 1:49 PM, Blogger SB Gypsy said...

So true, and I hope that he can even hear you, and is not sitting with his fingers stuffed in his ears singing the lalalalalala game!

At 8/07/2006 10:10 PM, Blogger Wild Clover said...

Quite amusing really...I was chatting with one of the operatives at the Dem booth at the street fair..I told her I was not getting a sticker for him for the first time-he'd voted too many times with the republicans and against my interests. The operative told me that between her and me, she wasn't putting one on her car either, but was going to hold her nose and vote for him because his opponent has done things like publically declared he wants a "United Staes, under Jesus Christ".

Yeah, I'll end up doing the same, but the man is multi-term, hugely popular, and could act as a democratic conscience/backbone in congress without a lot of worry. Instead he is trying to pander to the wingnuts while sending out stuff to his base "Look! I stood up to Bush on stem cells! Looky I have balls! I have democratic votes!

Though apparently he recently married, giving rest to the rumors(I'd never heard any, but I had wondered) that he's gay, so he's even safer if he wanted to stand up to the republican congress. Grrrrr.

One nice thing, the dem booth did have a pledge sheet to vote NO on the VA marriage amendment. At least local dems have balls.


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