Clover's Field

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Saturday, December 17, 2005

Life Should Stop Being so Dang Complicated

And so it goes... Why can't life just be sane? Here we are, two weeks 'till Christmas, and I am getting a wonderful present...A gas range. All is arranged(we think). It will come Tuesday, the propane folks will come install the tank and lines/cut-offs by Friday, and all will be well with the world, except we will be much poorer. HA we say.

The delivery was supposed to be changed from Thurs to Tues, and we had arranged someone to wait on it for us (since we'd be working). They forgot to reschedule. It sleeted, snowed and rained Thursday...this after I got my shift changed from AM to close so I could be home for them. I run Imp... into work, go to drop Implet at daycare 1st-the county schools were closed, so no one to take him to school, which at this point has not announced closing, so wasted trip. Okay, I drop Imp... and head to Mu's cars, just some guy shovelling. At this point the radio tells me Implet's school is closed. Back cross town to daycare. I call Mu's daycare-closed. Okay, I head in. I'm told Implet's daycare will decide around 10 if they are closing at 12:30. I arrange with his teacher to drop him at the store (yeah, during Subway's lunch rush) if they close in case I'm home waiting for a stove. Go back to the store, get food for the Mu. Talk with my boss, wait for Imp... so I can take her to the bank-her boss is on paternity leave, no one else to do deposits. Call Home Depot when they open. Oh well, no stove today. By the time we return from the bank, Mu is sound asleep and I'm sleepy. It is also 11:00. I go nap in daycare's parking lot until they close at 12:30. Go eat lunch with my boys at KFC. Get to the store at about 2:30. Imp... gets off at 3ish, I tell tell the boys to rest a while, I was going to nap...I had to be at work at 4:30. I'm almost asleep when... Crisis with my store, the credit cards are down and the cashier has no clue. I go in and manage to reset the register, though the back-up still is down. He asks me to clock in early so he can leave early and get all the side jobs done. Not until after I figure out transportation with hubby, Imp..., and the others [side note: hubby, Faithful, her other man, and her son all moved to an apt about halfway between work and my house. She totalled her car, so the three have been commuting in mine, with the occassional carpool since 3 of us all work at my store. Hubby and other man were in town, she was scheduled in at 7. We both needed a car to get home, but everyone won't fit in the van, as well as I did not want Faithful driving my car in the ice. Uh-Huh. 1st choice me, second, Imp..., poor 3rd hubby, Faithful can't drive worth shit in good weather).]

We work things out, I talk with my boss, clock in a little early. Life goes on... stove will be delivered today, when both Imp... and I were off. Yay. Mu had a PM eye appointment, Implet no school. No problemo. Well, the stove comes, we go to do the conversion to propane and discover we cannot find half the tools we need-despite owning at least 2 of each. We also call the propane folks and initially get told öh, it will be a couple weeks, we're behind. AKKKKK!!!!'' Imp.. does some talking with them, then she goes off with Mu and Implet and I go nap. She calls while I sleep...propane guys are coming. Yay. Propane guy arrives. No one told HIM to install the stove. He thought Home Depot was doing that. No, they don't install propane, they told us you guys had to do it, this was what Imp... discussed in your office. So we have stove, we now have tools, we have a propane tank. We have no lines from the tank to the stove. And no idea what day next week they can come. All I know is microwaving Xmas dinner is NOT an option.

Oh yeah...boss called me tonight, needs me to work PM not AM tomorrow, the indication is that someone got fired. So talk about losing flexibility next week when they come hook up the stove as far as getting off work.

So why can't life be simple for once?


At 12/18/2005 8:46 AM, Blogger SB Gypsy said...

Wow, and I thought MY life gets complicated sometimes! Whew, I don't think I could hold down that kind of schedule, never mind remembering all of it. I sure hope you get a little time out to rest this season, maybe drink some eggnog and listen to carols, or watch your favorite movie.

At 12/19/2005 2:22 AM, Blogger Wild Clover said...

It gets even better...My second car has been on loan until the car hubby's GF totalled can be replaced(don't ask). It broke down today. Now here's 5 adults and 3 kids total, living 10 miles apart with ONE vehicle. Our guess is fuel pump. Transportation tomorrow is set (except the 3 yuear old will have to miss his Xmas pagent at daycare if they can't find a friend to do transport), but Tuesday they are screwed since we have to take the Mu to Charlottesville for an ear appt.


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