Clover's Field

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Monday, May 30, 2005

Liberal _Does_ Equal Patriot, as Often as Conservative Does

My response over on BigBrassBlog to "The Heart of a Liberal"

Beautiful post. I'm the same way about patriotic music, it can even choke me up. I graduated from a So Jersey HS in 1976....Anyone else have a clue about the bicentenneial in the Philadelphia area? And I was one of the few of my peers who actively took part in a lot of it, despite it being rather uncool.

I love my country. I love what I was taught our country stands for. I know we have fallen short at times in our history from the ideal, but the core values of freedom and responsibility, equality, honesty, and justice have always in the past triumphed. Did I not love the U.S., I would not so loathe our present body of so-called leaders.

It is time to take back our country from those who would betray her for profit and power. It is actually, sadly, past time.


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