Are We Headed for Armageddon?
(I posted this on a forum elsewhere in response to a poll on this question. I think I'll use this blog to save posts of mine I'm especially proud of, or that touch on something I feel deeply about that I've managed to write without rambling too badly.)
Certainly. But an armageddon brought on not by the loving Father of humanity, but by the hatreds and greeds of ordinary humans who cloak their failings in pious talk and place the blame for human suffering on any scapegoat they can find, be it gays, liberals, or God Himself.
If God were not a loving and tolerant parent who believes in letting His children be free to make their own mistakes, He would have smacked the crap put of us long ago. No loving parent would condemn their child to the fundangelical Hell as touted by some, nor would He participate in the death and destruction of His children in something like armageddon. It's coming, unless we follow the creed of love, not greed, and take care of our children, our elderly, our disadvantaged. Unless we look for ways to live in peace with our brothers in other nations, instead of looking for more effective threats. You teach children by example. Threats and coercion only teach them to in turn relate to others that way. Christians and others who share those values have to show there are better ways to exist. To lead, or to bully, is the choice before the US. If we continue to play the bully, so other nations will relate to us, so armegeddon will arrive.
Just don't blame the end times on God, it is solely on our heads.
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