Clover's Field

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Saturday, October 20, 2007

Why I prefer the Mommy State

Demoracy and freedom means taking responsibility for yourself. It means letting your neighbor take responsibility for himself. It means that "Daddy" government has to leave us citizens to make our own jugements.

Instead, we have 'patriotic,freedom-loving, pro-democracy' so-called conservatives calling for a "Daddy State" as a preference to what they claim is the liberal "Mommy State". The Daddy state makes rules and expects unquestioning obediance. When the Daddy State is displeased, he'll throw you out on the street to sink or swim. The Mommy state tries to guide into proper behavior. The Mommy State listens to dissent with an eye toward compromise. And when inevitably, some "kid" runs afoul of the rules due to bad luck or bad choices, the Mommy state will help get them back on their feet and actually forgive them.

I personally had a father and a mother who were both nuturing and expected us to make our own choices and mistakes. If I had failed miserably, I could have gone home and lived. I am much more comfortable with a "Mommy State"-a government that provides a flexible structure, rewards, support, and a stable infrastructure while I have the freedom to choose my own course- to the Bushco "Daddy State"- a government that provides inflexible rules and punishments, no support, and an indifferent infrastructure because we are to do it all alone. Communist Russia, Fascist Germany, both were "Daddy States". England, Canada, and Sweden are all "Mommy States".


At 11/13/2007 5:30 PM, Blogger trog69 said...

Mommy state. I've read that on more than one wingnut site. No matter how much proof you show them on how their "Father Knows Best" BS is another way of the corporatocrats to steal more from the left AND the right! Mention UNION to people who really need organizing, and listen to them spew the lines drilled into them by the very people working them into the ground. It's not 'til they're hurt or fired that they sometimes see the light. I've given up trying to enlighten them.

At 11/21/2007 4:18 AM, Blogger truggle45 said...

check this modest proposal out:::

At 11/27/2007 4:59 PM, Blogger Wild Clover said...

I like the shirts...very warped, and I do mean this as a complement.


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